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Agustín is a PhD candidate at the Knowledge Platform, in the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences of the University of Groningen. He is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina and has been living in Groningen for 10 years. He has a background in International Relations and has completed his masters degree in Public Administration, with public management as specialisation, at the University of Leiden. He has gathered significant work experience in government and education.


His PhD project is about possible ways to regain trust and repair the relationships between citizens, government, and industry in the Groningen gas extraction problem. Theoretical insights from transitional justice, trust, and co-production of public goods and services are used for this. Agustín's further research interests include reforms in the public sector, the current affairs of the welfare state, Dutch politics and governance and in particular the history and politics of the North of the Netherlands.

Agustín De Julio Pardo

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KPL_22_portretten-20.jpg Gaskraan dicht, risk management, Huizinge, vertrouwen, effectgebied, wisselwoning, huisvesting, cultureel erfgoed, woningmarkt, veiligheid, immateriele schade, imago, leefbaarheid, groninger bodembeweging, groninger gasberaad, inwoner, ramp, crisis, overheid, Shell, Exxonmobil, NCG, IMG, NPG, CVB, provincie groningen, maatschappelijke gevolgen, bodemdaling, bevingen, mijnraad, miijnbouw, het groninger gasveld, ruimtelijke kwaliteit, risico, kamp, alders, vijlbrief, susan top, gaswinning, aardbevingen, Nij Begun, gas, fossiel, fossiele industrie, maatschappelijke impact, compensatie, Groningen, parlementaire enquete, parlementaire enquete commissie, energie, economie, ereschuld, erkenning, versterking, schade, gemeente groningen, gemeente midden-groningen, gemeente oldambt, gemeente veendam, gemmente noordenveld, gemeente westerkwartier, gemeente westerwolde, gemeente tynaarlo, gemeente Aa en hunze, gemeente eemsdelta, gemeente het hogeland, gemeente pekela, gem
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